Add imgur support

Fabien Freling 2015-09-06 22:16:57 +02:00
parent fcf9fa63b2
commit ad9f0d13b2
3 changed files with 62 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -8,3 +8,6 @@ irc:
ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind test.byte --
rm -rf _build *.native *.byte

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
open String
open Str
@ -5,6 +6,24 @@ let is_url url =
let regexp = regexp "\\(https?\\://\\)?\\(www\\.\\)?.+\\..+" in
string_match regexp url 0
let is_imgur_url url =
let regexp = regexp "\\(https?\\://\\)?i\\.imgur\\.com/.+\\..+" in
string_match regexp url 0
let get_imgur_gallery_url url =
if not (is_imgur_url url) then
else begin
(* Remove i. from the beginning *)
let prefix = regexp "i\\.imgur\\.com" in
let s = replace_first prefix "" url in
(* Remove image extension *)
let len = length s in
let ext = regexp "\\.[^\\.]+$" in
let ext_pos = search_backward ext s (len - 1) in
Some (string_before s ext_pos)
let is_youtube_url url =
let regexp = regexp "\\(https?\\://\\)?\\(www\\.\\)?\\(youtube\\.com\\)\\|\\(youtu\\.be\\)/.+" in
@ -18,16 +37,30 @@ let remove_spaces str =
Some (global_replace spaces "" s)
| None -> None
let format_title str =
"[ " ^ str ^ " ]"
(* Maybe have a list of functions and
* iter on all the items in the list *)
let evaluate str =
match str with
| str when is_imgur_url str ->
match get_imgur_gallery_url str with
| None -> None
| Some url ->
let title = SimpleHttp.get_http_title (SimpleHttp.get_body url) |> remove_spaces in
match title with
| Some t -> Some (format_title t)
| None -> None
| str when is_url str ->
(let title = SimpleHttp.get_http_title (SimpleHttp.get_body str) |> remove_spaces in
match title with
| Some t -> Some ("[ " ^ t ^ " ]")
| Some t -> Some (format_title t)
| None -> None)
| "o/" -> Some "o/"
| _ -> None

View File

@ -52,6 +52,27 @@ let test_is_url test_ctx =
let check (url, b) = assert_equal (Evaluate.is_url url) b in
List.iter check urls
let test_is_imgur test_ctx =
let urls = [
("", false);
("", false);
("", false);
("", true)
] in
let check (url, b) = assert_equal (Evaluate.is_imgur_url url) b in
List.iter check urls
let test_imgur_gallery test_ctx =
let urls = [
("", None);
("", None);
("", None);
("", Some "");
("", Some "")
] in
let check (url, r) = assert_equal (Evaluate.get_imgur_gallery_url url) r in
List.iter check urls
(* Name the test cases and group them together *)
let suite =
@ -60,7 +81,10 @@ let suite =
"test get_title">:: test_get_title;
"test remove_spaces">:: test_remove_spaces;
"test HTML character escaping">:: test_escape_characters;
"test HTTPS">:: test_https
"test HTTPS">:: test_https;
"test urls">:: test_is_url;
"test is_imgur">:: test_is_imgur;
"test imgur gallery">:: test_imgur_gallery
let () =