open Printf open Nethttp_client open Nethtml open Netencoding;; Nettls_gnutls.init();; let extract_string_value document = match document with | Data(s) -> Some s | _ -> None let find_string_value = function | Some s -> true | None -> false let rec get_title_element_from_list doc_list = try List.find find_string_value ( get_title_element doc_list) with Not_found -> None and get_title_element document = match document with | Element("title", args, sub) -> ( let title_candidates = extract_string_value sub in try List.find find_string_value title_candidates with Not_found -> None ) | Element(e, args, sub) -> get_title_element_from_list sub | Data(s) -> None let rec print_document document = match document with | Element(e, args, sub) -> printf "Element: %s\n" e; List.iter print_document sub | Data(s) -> printf "Data: %s\n" s let get_http_document body_str = let ch = new Netchannels.input_string body_str in Nethtml.parse ch let decode_esc_char str = Html.decode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ~out_enc:`Enc_utf8 ~entity_base:`Html () str let get_http_title body = let ch = new Netchannels.input_string body in let doc = Nethtml.parse ch in let title = get_title_element_from_list doc in match title with | Some s -> Some (decode_esc_char s) | None -> None (* TODO: Log errors *) let get_body url = try Convenience.http_get url with | Http_error e -> "http error /o\\" | Failure f -> "http fail lol"