const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void { const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}); const dep_cimgui = b.dependency("cimgui", .{}); const dep_imgui = b.dependency("imgui", .{}); // create file tree for cimgui and imgui const wf = b.addNamedWriteFiles("cimgui"); _ = wf.addCopyDirectory(dep_cimgui.path(""), "", .{}); _ = wf.addCopyDirectory(dep_imgui.path(""), "imgui", .{}); const root = wf.getDirectory(); // build cimgui as C/C++ library const lib_cimgui = b.addStaticLibrary(.{ .name = "cimgui_clib", .target = target, .optimize = optimize, .link_libc = true, }); lib_cimgui.linkLibCpp(); lib_cimgui.addCSourceFiles(.{ .root = root, .files = &.{ b.pathJoin(&.{"cimgui.cpp"}), b.pathJoin(&.{ "imgui", "imgui.cpp" }), b.pathJoin(&.{ "imgui", "imgui_widgets.cpp" }), b.pathJoin(&.{ "imgui", "imgui_draw.cpp" }), b.pathJoin(&.{ "imgui", "imgui_tables.cpp" }), b.pathJoin(&.{ "imgui", "imgui_demo.cpp" }), }, }); lib_cimgui.addIncludePath(root); // make cimgui available as artifact, this then allows to inject // the Emscripten include path in another build.zig b.installArtifact(lib_cimgui); // lib compilation depends on file tree lib_cimgui.step.dependOn(&wf.step); // translate-c the cimgui.h file // NOTE: always run this with the host target, that way we don't need to inject // the Emscripten SDK include path into the translate-C step when building for WASM const cimgui_h = dep_cimgui.path("cimgui.h"); const translateC = b.addTranslateC(.{ .root_source_file = cimgui_h, .target =, .optimize = optimize, }); translateC.defineCMacroRaw("CIMGUI_DEFINE_ENUMS_AND_STRUCTS=\"\""); const entrypoint = translateC.getOutput(); // build cimgui as a module with the header file as the entrypoint const mod_cimgui = b.addModule("cimgui", .{ .root_source_file = entrypoint, .target = target, .optimize = optimize, .link_libc = true, .link_libcpp = true, }); mod_cimgui.linkLibrary(lib_cimgui); }