
313 lines
7.4 KiB

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "path.h"
// The maximum number of components in a path. We can't normalize a path that
// contains more than this number of parts. The number here assumes a max path
// length of 4096, which is common on Linux, and then assumes each component is
// at least two characters, "/", and a single-letter directory name.
#define MAX_COMPONENTS 2048
typedef struct {
const char* start;
const char* end;
} Slice;
static void ensureCapacity(Path* path, size_t capacity)
// Capacity always needs to be one greater than the actual length to have
// room for the null byte, which is stored in the buffer, but not counted in
// the length. A zero-character path still needs a one-character array to
// store the '\0'.
if (path->capacity >= capacity) return;
// Grow by doubling in size.
size_t newCapacity = 16;
while (newCapacity < capacity) newCapacity *= 2;
path->chars = (char*)realloc(path->chars, newCapacity);
path->capacity = newCapacity;
static void appendSlice(Path* path, Slice slice)
size_t length = slice.end - slice.start;
ensureCapacity(path, path->length + length);
memcpy(path->chars + path->length, slice.start, length);
path->length += length;
path->chars[path->length] = '\0';
static bool isSeparator(char c)
// Slash is a separator on POSIX and Windows.
if (c == '/') return true;
// Backslash is only a separator on Windows.
#ifdef _WIN32
if (c == '\\') return true;
return false;
#ifdef _WIN32
static bool isDriveLetter(char c)
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
// Gets the length of the prefix of [path] that defines its absolute root.
// Returns 1 the leading "/". On Windows, also handles drive letters ("C:" or
// "C:\").
// If the path is not absolute, returns 0.
static size_t absolutePrefixLength(const char* path)
#ifdef _WIN32
// Drive letter.
if (isDriveLetter(path[0]) && path[1] == ':')
if (isSeparator(path[2]))
// Fully absolute path.
return 3;
} else {
// "Half-absolute" path like "C:", which is relative to the current
// working directory on drive. It's absolute for our purposes.
return 2;
// TODO: UNC paths.
// POSIX-style absolute path or absolute path in the current drive on Windows.
if (isSeparator(path[0])) return 1;
// Not absolute.
return 0;
PathType pathType(const char* path)
if (absolutePrefixLength(path) > 0) return PATH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE;
// See if it must be relative.
if ((path[0] == '.' && isSeparator(path[1])) ||
(path[0] == '.' && path[1] == '.' && isSeparator(path[2])))
// Otherwise, we don't know.
Path* pathNew(const char* string)
Path* path = (Path*)malloc(sizeof(Path));
path->chars = (char*)malloc(1);
path->chars[0] = '\0';
path->length = 0;
path->capacity = 0;
pathAppendString(path, string);
return path;
void pathFree(Path* path)
if (path->chars) free(path->chars);
void pathDirName(Path* path)
// Find the last path separator.
for (size_t i = path->length - 1; i < path->length; i--)
if (isSeparator(path->chars[i]))
path->length = i;
path->chars[i] = '\0';
// If we got here, there was no separator so it must be a single component.
path->length = 0;
path->chars[0] = '\0';
void pathRemoveExtension(Path* path)
for (size_t i = path->length - 1; i < path->length; i--)
// If we hit a path separator before finding the extension, then the last
// component doesn't have one.
if (isSeparator(path->chars[i])) return;
if (path->chars[i] == '.')
path->length = i;
path->chars[path->length] = '\0';
void pathJoin(Path* path, const char* string)
if (path->length > 0 && !isSeparator(path->chars[path->length - 1]))
pathAppendChar(path, '/');
pathAppendString(path, string);
void pathAppendChar(Path* path, char c)
ensureCapacity(path, path->length + 1);
path->chars[path->length++] = c;
path->chars[path->length] = '\0';
void pathAppendString(Path* path, const char* string)
Slice slice;
slice.start = string;
slice.end = string + strlen(string);
appendSlice(path, slice);
void pathNormalize(Path* path)
// Split the path into components.
Slice components[MAX_COMPONENTS];
int numComponents = 0;
char* start = path->chars;
char* end = path->chars;
// Split into parts and handle "." and "..".
int leadingDoubles = 0;
for (;;)
if (*end == '\0' || isSeparator(*end))
// Add the current component.
if (start != end)
size_t length = end - start;
if (length == 1 && start[0] == '.')
// Skip "." components.
else if (length == 2 && start[0] == '.' && start[1] == '.')
// Walk out of directories on "..".
if (numComponents > 0)
// Discard the previous component.
// Can't back out any further, so preserve the "..".
if (numComponents >= MAX_COMPONENTS)
fprintf(stderr, "Path cannot have more than %d path components.\n",
components[numComponents].start = start;
components[numComponents].end = end;
// Skip over separators.
while (*end != '\0' && isSeparator(*end)) end++;
start = end;
if (*end == '\0') break;
// Preserve the path type. We don't want to turn, say, "./foo" into "foo"
// because that changes the semantics of how that path is handled when used
// as an import string.
bool needsSeparator = false;
Path* result = pathNew("");
size_t prefixLength = absolutePrefixLength(path->chars);
if (prefixLength > 0)
// It's an absolute path, so preserve the absolute prefix.
Slice slice;
slice.start = path->chars;
slice.end = path->chars + prefixLength;
appendSlice(result, slice);
else if (leadingDoubles > 0)
// Add any leading "..".
for (int i = 0; i < leadingDoubles; i++)
if (needsSeparator) pathAppendChar(result, '/');
pathAppendString(result, "..");
needsSeparator = true;
else if (path->chars[0] == '.' && isSeparator(path->chars[1]))
// Preserve a leading "./", since we use that to distinguish relative from
// logical imports.
pathAppendChar(result, '.');
needsSeparator = true;
for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++)
if (needsSeparator) pathAppendChar(result, '/');
appendSlice(result, components[i]);
needsSeparator = true;
if (result->length == 0) pathAppendChar(result, '.');
// Copy back into the original path.
path->capacity = result->capacity;
path->chars = result->chars;
path->length = result->length;
char* pathToString(Path* path)
char* string = (char*)malloc(path->length + 1);
memcpy(string, path->chars, path->length);
string[path->length] = '\0';
return string;