
34 lines
897 B

#ifndef vm_h
#define vm_h
#include "uv.h"
#include "wren.h"
// Executes the Wren script at [path] in a new VM.
WrenInterpretResult runFile(const char* path);
// Runs the Wren interactive REPL.
WrenInterpretResult runRepl();
// Gets the currently running VM.
WrenVM* getVM();
// Gets the event loop the VM is using.
uv_loop_t* getLoop();
// Get the exit code the CLI should exit with when done.
int getExitCode();
// Set the exit code the CLI should exit with when done.
void setExitCode(int exitCode);
// Adds additional callbacks to use when binding foreign members from Wren.
// Used by the API test executable to let it wire up its own foreign functions.
// This must be called before calling [createVM()].
void setTestCallbacks(WrenBindForeignMethodFn bindMethod,
WrenBindForeignClassFn bindClass,
void (*afterLoad)(WrenVM* vm));