
601 lines
14 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "uv.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "stat.h"
#include "vm.h"
#include "wren.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
typedef struct sFileRequestData
WrenHandle* fiber;
uv_buf_t buffer;
} FileRequestData;
static const int stdinDescriptor = 0;
// Handle to the Stat class object.
static WrenHandle* statClass = NULL;
// Handle to the Stdin class object.
static WrenHandle* stdinClass = NULL;
// Handle to an onData_() method call. Called when libuv provides data on stdin.
static WrenHandle* stdinOnData = NULL;
// The stream used to read from stdin. Initialized on the first read.
static uv_stream_t* stdinStream = NULL;
// True if stdin has been set to raw mode.
static bool isStdinRaw = false;
// Frees all resources related to stdin.
static void shutdownStdin()
if (stdinStream != NULL)
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)stdinStream, NULL);
stdinStream = NULL;
if (stdinClass != NULL)
wrenReleaseHandle(getVM(), stdinClass);
stdinClass = NULL;
if (stdinOnData != NULL)
wrenReleaseHandle(getVM(), stdinOnData);
stdinOnData = NULL;
void ioShutdown()
if (statClass != NULL)
wrenReleaseHandle(getVM(), statClass);
statClass = NULL;
// If [request] failed with an error, sends the runtime error to the VM and
// frees the request.
// Returns true if an error was reported.
static bool handleRequestError(uv_fs_t* request)
if (request->result >= 0) return false;
FileRequestData* data = (FileRequestData*)request->data;
WrenHandle* fiber = (WrenHandle*)data->fiber;
int error = (int)request->result;
schedulerResumeError(fiber, uv_strerror(error));
return true;
// Allocates a new request that resumes [fiber] when it completes.
uv_fs_t* createRequest(WrenHandle* fiber)
uv_fs_t* request = (uv_fs_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_fs_t));
FileRequestData* data = (FileRequestData*)malloc(sizeof(FileRequestData));
data->fiber = fiber;
request->data = data;
return request;
// Releases resources used by [request].
// Returns the fiber that should be resumed after [request] completes.
WrenHandle* freeRequest(uv_fs_t* request)
FileRequestData* data = (FileRequestData*)request->data;
WrenHandle* fiber = data->fiber;
return fiber;
static void directoryListCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
uv_dirent_t entry;
WrenVM* vm = getVM();
wrenEnsureSlots(vm, 3);
wrenSetSlotNewList(vm, 2);
while (uv_fs_scandir_next(request, &entry) != UV_EOF)
wrenSetSlotString(vm, 1,;
wrenInsertInList(vm, 2, -1, 1);
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), true);
void directoryList(WrenVM* vm)
const char* path = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 1);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 2));
// TODO: Check return.
uv_fs_scandir(getLoop(), request, path, 0, directoryListCallback);
void fileAllocate(WrenVM* vm)
// Store the file descriptor in the foreign data, so that we can get to it
// in the finalizer.
int* fd = (int*)wrenSetSlotNewForeign(vm, 0, 0, sizeof(int));
*fd = (int)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 1);
void fileFinalize(void* data)
int fd = *(int*)data;
// Already closed.
if (fd == -1) return;
uv_fs_t request;
uv_fs_close(getLoop(), &request, fd, NULL);
static void fileDeleteCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), false);
void fileDelete(WrenVM* vm)
const char* path = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 1);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 2));
// TODO: Check return.
uv_fs_unlink(getLoop(), request, path, fileDeleteCallback);
static void fileOpenCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
double fd = (double)request->result;
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), true);
wrenSetSlotDouble(getVM(), 2, fd);
// The UNIX file flags have specified names but not values. So we define our
// own values in FileFlags and remap them to the host OS's values here.
static int mapFileFlags(int flags)
int result = 0;
// Note: These must be kept in sync with FileFlags in io.wren.
if (flags & 0x01) result |= O_RDONLY;
if (flags & 0x02) result |= O_WRONLY;
if (flags & 0x04) result |= O_RDWR;
if (flags & 0x08) result |= O_SYNC;
if (flags & 0x10) result |= O_CREAT;
if (flags & 0x20) result |= O_TRUNC;
if (flags & 0x40) result |= O_EXCL;
return result;
void fileOpen(WrenVM* vm)
const char* path = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 1);
int flags = (int)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 2);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 3));
// TODO: Allow controlling access.
uv_fs_open(getLoop(), request, path, mapFileFlags(flags), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
// Called by libuv when the stat call for size completes.
static void fileSizeCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
double size = (double)request->statbuf.st_size;
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), true);
wrenSetSlotDouble(getVM(), 2, size);
void fileSizePath(WrenVM* vm)
const char* path = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 1);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 2));
uv_fs_stat(getLoop(), request, path, fileSizeCallback);
static void fileCloseCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), false);
void fileClose(WrenVM* vm)
int* foreign = (int*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
int fd = *foreign;
// If it's already closed, we're done.
if (fd == -1)
wrenSetSlotBool(vm, 0, true);
// Mark it closed immediately.
*foreign = -1;
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 1));
uv_fs_close(getLoop(), request, fd, fileCloseCallback);
wrenSetSlotBool(vm, 0, false);
void fileDescriptor(WrenVM* vm)
int* foreign = (int*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
int fd = *foreign;
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, fd);
static void fileReadBytesCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
FileRequestData* data = (FileRequestData*)request->data;
uv_buf_t buffer = data->buffer;
size_t count = request->result;
// TODO: Having to copy the bytes here is a drag. It would be good if Wren's
// embedding API supported a way to *give* it bytes that were previously
// allocated using Wren's own allocator.
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), true);
wrenSetSlotBytes(getVM(), 2, buffer.base, count);
// TODO: Likewise, freeing this after we resume is lame.
void fileReadBytes(WrenVM* vm)
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 3));
int fd = *(int*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
// TODO: Assert fd != -1.
FileRequestData* data = (FileRequestData*)request->data;
size_t length = (size_t)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 1);
size_t offset = (size_t)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 2);
data->buffer.len = length;
data->buffer.base = (char*)malloc(length);
uv_fs_read(getLoop(), request, fd, &data->buffer, 1, offset,
static void realPathCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
wrenEnsureSlots(getVM(), 3);
wrenSetSlotString(getVM(), 2, (char*)request->ptr);
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), true);
void fileRealPath(WrenVM* vm)
const char* path = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 1);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 2));
uv_fs_realpath(getLoop(), request, path, realPathCallback);
// Called by libuv when the stat call completes.
static void statCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
WrenVM* vm = getVM();
wrenEnsureSlots(vm, 3);
// Get a handle to the Stat class. We'll hang on to this so we don't have to
// look it up by name every time.
if (statClass == NULL)
wrenGetVariable(vm, "io", "Stat", 0);
statClass = wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 0);
// Create a foreign Stat object to store the stat struct.
wrenSetSlotHandle(vm, 2, statClass);
wrenSetSlotNewForeign(vm, 2, 2, sizeof(uv_stat_t));
// Copy the stat data.
uv_stat_t* data = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 2);
*data = request->statbuf;
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), true);
void fileStat(WrenVM* vm)
int fd = *(int*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 1));
uv_fs_fstat(getLoop(), request, fd, statCallback);
void fileSize(WrenVM* vm)
int fd = *(int*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 1));
uv_fs_fstat(getLoop(), request, fd, fileSizeCallback);
static void fileWriteBytesCallback(uv_fs_t* request)
if (handleRequestError(request)) return;
FileRequestData* data = (FileRequestData*)request->data;
schedulerResume(freeRequest(request), false);
void fileWriteBytes(WrenVM* vm)
int fd = *(int*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
int length;
const char* bytes = wrenGetSlotBytes(vm, 1, &length);
size_t offset = (size_t)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 2);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 3));
FileRequestData* data = (FileRequestData*)request->data;
data->buffer.len = length;
// TODO: Instead of copying, just create a WrenHandle for the byte string and
// hold on to it in the request until the write is done.
// TODO: Handle allocation failure.
data->buffer.base = (char*)malloc(length);
memcpy(data->buffer.base, bytes, length);
uv_fs_write(getLoop(), request, fd, &data->buffer, 1, offset,
void statPath(WrenVM* vm)
const char* path = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 1);
uv_fs_t* request = createRequest(wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 2));
uv_fs_stat(getLoop(), request, path, statCallback);
void statBlockCount(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_blocks);
void statBlockSize(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_blksize);
void statDevice(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_dev);
void statGroup(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_gid);
void statInode(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_ino);
void statLinkCount(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_nlink);
void statMode(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_mode);
void statSize(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_size);
void statSpecialDevice(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_rdev);
void statUser(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotDouble(vm, 0, (double)stat->st_uid);
void statIsDirectory(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotBool(vm, 0, S_ISDIR(stat->st_mode));
void statIsFile(WrenVM* vm)
uv_stat_t* stat = (uv_stat_t*)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotBool(vm, 0, S_ISREG(stat->st_mode));
// Sets up the stdin stream if not already initialized.
static void initStdin()
if (stdinStream == NULL)
if (uv_guess_handle(stdinDescriptor) == UV_TTY)
// stdin is connected to a terminal.
uv_tty_t* handle = (uv_tty_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_tty_t));
uv_tty_init(getLoop(), handle, stdinDescriptor, true);
stdinStream = (uv_stream_t*)handle;
// stdin is a pipe or a file.
uv_pipe_t* handle = (uv_pipe_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_pipe_t));
uv_pipe_init(getLoop(), handle, false);
uv_pipe_open(handle, stdinDescriptor);
stdinStream = (uv_stream_t*)handle;
void stdinIsRaw(WrenVM* vm)
wrenSetSlotBool(vm, 0, isStdinRaw);
void stdinIsRawSet(WrenVM* vm)
isStdinRaw = wrenGetSlotBool(vm, 1);
if (uv_guess_handle(stdinDescriptor) == UV_TTY)
uv_tty_t* handle = (uv_tty_t*)stdinStream;
uv_tty_set_mode(handle, isStdinRaw ? UV_TTY_MODE_RAW : UV_TTY_MODE_NORMAL);
// Can't set raw mode when not talking to a TTY.
// TODO: Make this a runtime error?
void stdinIsTerminal(WrenVM* vm)
wrenSetSlotBool(vm, 0, uv_guess_handle(stdinDescriptor) == UV_TTY);
void stdoutFlush(WrenVM* vm)
wrenSetSlotNull(vm, 0);
static void allocCallback(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggestedSize,
uv_buf_t* buf)
// TODO: Handle allocation failure.
buf->base = (char*)malloc(suggestedSize);
buf->len = suggestedSize;
static void stdinReadCallback(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t numRead,
const uv_buf_t* buffer)
WrenVM* vm = getVM();
if (stdinClass == NULL)
wrenEnsureSlots(vm, 1);
wrenGetVariable(vm, "io", "Stdin", 0);
stdinClass = wrenGetSlotHandle(vm, 0);
if (stdinOnData == NULL)
stdinOnData = wrenMakeCallHandle(vm, "onData_(_)");
// If stdin was closed, send null to let io.wren know.
if (numRead == UV_EOF)
wrenEnsureSlots(vm, 2);
wrenSetSlotHandle(vm, 0, stdinClass);
wrenSetSlotNull(vm, 1);
wrenCall(vm, stdinOnData);
// TODO: Handle other errors.
// TODO: Having to copy the bytes here is a drag. It would be good if Wren's
// embedding API supported a way to *give* it bytes that were previously
// allocated using Wren's own allocator.
wrenEnsureSlots(vm, 2);
wrenSetSlotHandle(vm, 0, stdinClass);
wrenSetSlotBytes(vm, 1, buffer->base, numRead);
wrenCall(vm, stdinOnData);
// TODO: Likewise, freeing this after we resume is lame.
void stdinReadStart(WrenVM* vm)
uv_read_start(stdinStream, allocCallback, stdinReadCallback);
// TODO: Check return.
void stdinReadStop(WrenVM* vm)