
304 lines
7.0 KiB

import "scheduler" for Scheduler
class Directory {
// TODO: Copied from File. Figure out good way to share this.
static ensurePath_(path) {
if (!(path is String)) Fiber.abort("Path must be a string.")
static exists(path) {
var stat {
stat = Stat.path(path)
// If we can't stat it, there's nothing there.
if (stat == null) return false
return stat.isDirectory
static list(path) {
list_(path, Fiber.current)
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
foreign static list_(path, fiber)
foreign class File {
static create(path) {
return openWithFlags(path,
FileFlags.writeOnly |
FileFlags.create |
static create(path, fn) {
return openWithFlags(path,
FileFlags.writeOnly |
FileFlags.create |
FileFlags.truncate, fn)
static delete(path) {
delete_(path, Fiber.current)
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
static exists(path) {
var stat {
stat = Stat.path(path)
// If we can't stat it, there's nothing there.
if (stat == null) return false
return stat.isFile
static open(path) { openWithFlags(path, FileFlags.readOnly) }
static open(path, fn) { openWithFlags(path, FileFlags.readOnly, fn) }
// TODO: Add named parameters and then call this "open(_,flags:_)"?
// TODO: Test.
static openWithFlags(path, flags) {
ensureInt_(flags, "Flags")
open_(path, flags, Fiber.current)
var fd = Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
return new_(fd)
static openWithFlags(path, flags, fn) {
var file = openWithFlags(path, flags)
var fiber = { }
// Poor man's finally. Can we make this more elegant?
var result = fiber.try()
// TODO: Want something like rethrow since now the callstack ends here. :(
if (fiber.error != null) Fiber.abort(fiber.error)
return result
static read(path) {
return {|file| file.readBytes(file.size) }
// TODO: This works for directories too, so putting it on File is kind of
// lame. Consider reorganizing these classes some.
static realPath(path) {
realPath_(path, Fiber.current)
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
static size(path) {
sizePath_(path, Fiber.current)
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
construct new_(fd) {}
close() {
if (close_(Fiber.current)) return
foreign descriptor
isOpen { descriptor != -1 }
size {
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
stat {
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
readBytes(count) { readBytes(count, 0) }
readBytes(count, offset) {
File.ensureInt_(count, "Count")
File.ensureInt_(offset, "Offset")
readBytes_(count, offset, Fiber.current)
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
writeBytes(bytes) { writeBytes(bytes, size) }
writeBytes(bytes, offset) {
if (!(bytes is String)) Fiber.abort("Bytes must be a string.")
File.ensureInt_(offset, "Offset")
writeBytes_(bytes, offset, Fiber.current)
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
ensureOpen_() {
if (!isOpen) Fiber.abort("File is not open.")
static ensurePath_(path) {
if (!(path is String)) Fiber.abort("Path must be a string.")
static ensureInt_(value, name) {
if (!(value is Num)) Fiber.abort("%(name) must be an integer.")
if (!value.isInteger) Fiber.abort("%(name) must be an integer.")
if (value < 0) Fiber.abort("%(name) cannot be negative.")
foreign static delete_(path, fiber)
foreign static open_(path, flags, fiber)
foreign static realPath_(path, fiber)
foreign static sizePath_(path, fiber)
foreign close_(fiber)
foreign readBytes_(count, offset, fiber)
foreign size_(fiber)
foreign stat_(fiber)
foreign writeBytes_(bytes, offset, fiber)
class FileFlags {
// Note: These must be kept in sync with mapFileFlags() in io.c.
static readOnly { 0x01 }
static writeOnly { 0x02 }
static readWrite { 0x04 }
static sync { 0x08 }
static create { 0x10 }
static truncate { 0x20 }
static exclusive { 0x40 }
foreign class Stat {
static path(path) {
if (!(path is String)) Fiber.abort("Path must be a string.")
path_(path, Fiber.current)
return Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
foreign static path_(path, fiber)
foreign blockCount
foreign blockSize
foreign device
foreign group
foreign inode
foreign linkCount
foreign mode
foreign size
foreign specialDevice
foreign user
foreign isFile
foreign isDirectory
// TODO: Other mode checks.
class Stdin {
foreign static isRaw
foreign static isRaw=(value)
foreign static isTerminal
static readByte() {
return read_ {
// Peel off the first byte.
var byte = __buffered.bytes[0]
__buffered = __buffered[1..-1]
return byte
static readLine() {
return read_ {
// TODO: Handle Windows line separators.
var lineSeparator = __buffered.indexOf("\n")
if (lineSeparator == -1) return null
// Split the line at the separator.
var line = __buffered[0...lineSeparator]
__buffered = __buffered[lineSeparator + 1..-1]
return line
static read_(handleData) {
// See if we're already buffered enough to immediately produce a result.
if (__buffered != null && !__buffered.isEmpty) {
var result =
if (result != null) return result
if (__isClosed == true) Fiber.abort("Stdin was closed.")
// Otherwise, we need to wait for input to come in.
__handleData = handleData
// TODO: Error if other fiber is already waiting.
__waitingFiber = Fiber.current
var result = Scheduler.runNextScheduled_()
return result
static onData_(data) {
// If data is null, it means stdin just closed.
if (data == null) {
__isClosed = true
if (__buffered != null) {
// TODO: Is this correct for readByte()?
// Emit the last remaining bytes.
var result = __buffered
__buffered = null
} else {
__waitingFiber.transferError("Stdin was closed.")
// Append to the buffer.
if (__buffered == null) {
__buffered = data
} else {
// TODO: Instead of concatenating strings each time, it's probably faster
// to keep a list of buffers and flatten lazily.
__buffered = __buffered + data
// Ask the data handler if we have a complete result now.
var result =
if (result != null) __waitingFiber.transfer(result)
foreign static readStart_()
foreign static readStop_()
class Stdout {
foreign static flush()