
955 lines
25 KiB

import "meta" for Meta
import "io" for Stdin, Stdout
import "os" for Platform
/// Abstract base class for the REPL. Manages the input line and history, but
/// does not render.
class Repl {
construct new() {
_cursor = 0
_line = ""
_history = []
_historyIndex = 0
cursor { _cursor }
cursor=(value) { _cursor = value }
line { _line }
line=(value) { _line = value }
run() {
Stdin.isRaw = true
while (true) {
var byte = Stdin.readByte()
if (handleChar(byte)) break
handleChar(byte) {
if (byte == Chars.ctrlC) {
return true
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlD) {
// If the line is empty, Ctrl_D exits.
if (_line.isEmpty) {
return true
// Otherwise, it deletes the character after the cursor.
} else if (byte == {
var completion = getCompletion()
if (completion != null) {
_line = _line + completion
_cursor = _line.count
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlU) {
// Clear the line.
_line = ""
_cursor = 0
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlN) {
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlP) {
} else if (byte == Chars.escape) {
var escapeType = Stdin.readByte()
var value = Stdin.readByte()
if (escapeType == Chars.leftBracket) {
// ESC [ sequence.
} else {
// TODO: Handle ESC 0 sequences.
} else if (byte == Chars.carriageReturn) {
} else if (byte == Chars.delete) {
} else if (byte >= && byte <= Chars.tilde) {
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlW) { // Handle Ctrl+w
// Delete trailing spaces
while (_cursor != 0 && _line[_cursor - 1] == " ") {
// Delete until the next space
while (_cursor != 0 && _line[_cursor - 1] != " ") {
} else {
// TODO: Other shortcuts?
System.print("Unhandled key-code [dec]: %(byte)")
return false
/// Inserts the character with [byte] value at the current cursor position.
insertChar(byte) {
var char = String.fromCodePoint(byte)
_line = _line[0..._cursor] + char + _line[_cursor..-1]
_cursor = _cursor + 1
/// Deletes the character before the cursor, if any.
deleteLeft() {
if (_cursor == 0) return
// Delete the character before the cursor.
_line = _line[0...(_cursor - 1)] + _line[_cursor..-1]
_cursor = _cursor - 1
/// Deletes the character after the cursor, if any.
deleteRight() {
if (_cursor == _line.count) return
// Delete the character after the cursor.
_line = _line[0..._cursor] + _line[(_cursor + 1)..-1]
handleEscapeBracket(byte) {
if (byte == EscapeBracket.up) {
} else if (byte == EscapeBracket.down) {
} else if (byte == EscapeBracket.delete) {
// Consume extra 126 character generated by delete
} else if (byte == EscapeBracket.end) {
_cursor = _line.count
} else if (byte == EscapeBracket.home) {
_cursor = 0
previousHistory() {
if (_historyIndex == 0) return
_historyIndex = _historyIndex - 1
_line = _history[_historyIndex]
_cursor = _line.count
nextHistory() {
if (_historyIndex >= _history.count) return
_historyIndex = _historyIndex + 1
if (_historyIndex < _history.count) {
_line = _history[_historyIndex]
_cursor = _line.count
} else {
_line = ""
_cursor = 0
executeInput() {
// Remove the completion hint.
// Add it to the history (if the line is interesting).
if (_line != "" && (_history.isEmpty || _history[-1] != _line)) {
_historyIndex = _history.count
// Reset the current line.
var input = _line
_line = ""
_cursor = 0
// Guess if it looks like a statement or expression. If it looks like an
// expression, we try to print the result.
var token = lexFirst(input)
// No code, so do nothing.
if (token == null) return
var isStatement =
token.type == Token.breakKeyword ||
token.type == Token.classKeyword ||
token.type == Token.forKeyword ||
token.type == Token.foreignKeyword ||
token.type == Token.ifKeyword ||
token.type == Token.importKeyword ||
token.type == Token.returnKeyword ||
token.type == Token.varKeyword ||
token.type == Token.whileKeyword
var closure
if (isStatement) {
closure = Meta.compile(input)
} else {
closure = Meta.compileExpression(input)
// Stop if there was a compile error.
if (closure == null) return
var fiber =
var result = fiber.try()
if (fiber.error != null) {
// TODO: Include callstack.
showRuntimeError("Runtime error: %(fiber.error)")
if (!isStatement) {
lex(line, includeWhitespace) {
var lexer =
var tokens = []
while (true) {
var token = lexer.readToken()
if (token.type == Token.eof) break
if (includeWhitespace ||
(token.type != Token.comment && token.type != Token.whitespace)) {
return tokens
lexFirst(line) {
var lexer =
while (true) {
var token = lexer.readToken()
if (token.type == Token.eof) return null
if (token.type != Token.comment && token.type != Token.whitespace) {
return token
/// Gets the best possible auto-completion for the current line, or null if
/// there is none. The completion is the remaining string to append to the
/// line, not the entire completed line.
getCompletion() {
if (_line.isEmpty) return null
// Only complete if the cursor is at the end.
if (_cursor != _line.count) return null
for (name in Meta.getModuleVariables("repl")) {
// TODO: Also allow completion if the line ends with an identifier but
// has other stuff before it.
if (name.startsWith(_line)) {
return name[_line.count..-1]
/// A reduced functionality REPL that doesn't use ANSI escape sequences.
class SimpleRepl is Repl {
construct new() {
_erase = ""
refreshLine(showCompletion) {
// A carriage return just moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
// We have to erase it manually. Since we can't use ANSI escapes, and we
// don't know how wide the terminal is, erase the longest line we've seen
// so far.
if (line.count > _erase.count) _erase = " " * line.count
System.write("\r %(_erase)")
// Show the prompt at the beginning of the line.
System.write("\r> ")
// Write the line.
showResult(value) {
// TODO: Syntax color based on type? It might be nice to distinguish
// between string results versus stringified results. Otherwise, the
// user can't tell the difference between `true` and "true".
showRuntimeError(message) {
class AnsiRepl is Repl {
construct new() {
handleChar(byte) {
if (byte == Chars.ctrlA) {
cursor = 0
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlB) {
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlE) {
cursor = line.count
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlF) {
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlK) {
// Delete everything after the cursor.
line = line[0...cursor]
} else if (byte == Chars.ctrlL) {
// Clear the screen.
// Move cursor to top left.
} else {
// TODO: Ctrl-T to swap chars.
// TODO: ESC H and F to move to beginning and end of line. (Both ESC
// [ and ESC 0 sequences?)
// TODO: Ctrl-W delete previous word.
return super.handleChar(byte)
return false
handleEscapeBracket(byte) {
if (byte == EscapeBracket.left) {
} else if (byte == EscapeBracket.right) {
/// Move the cursor left one character.
cursorLeft() {
if (cursor > 0) cursor = cursor - 1
/// Move the cursor right one character.
cursorRight() {
// TODO: Take into account multi-byte characters?
if (cursor < line.count) cursor = cursor + 1
refreshLine(showCompletion) {
// Erase the whole line.
// Show the prompt at the beginning of the line.
System.write("\r> ")
// Syntax highlight the line.
for (token in lex(line, true)) {
if (token.type == Token.eof) break
if (showCompletion) {
var completion = getCompletion()
if (completion != null) {
// Position the cursor.
System.write("\r\x1b[%(2 + cursor)C")
showResult(value) {
// TODO: Syntax color based on type? It might be nice to distinguish
// between string results versus stringified results. Otherwise, the
// user can't tell the difference between `true` and "true".
showRuntimeError(message) {
// TODO: Print entire stack.
/// ANSI color escape sequences.
class Color {
static none { "\x1b[0m" }
static black { "\x1b[30m" }
static red { "\x1b[31m" }
static green { "\x1b[32m" }
static yellow { "\x1b[33m" }
static blue { "\x1b[34m" }
static magenta { "\x1b[35m" }
static cyan { "\x1b[36m" }
static white { "\x1b[37m" }
static gray { "\x1b[30;1m" }
static pink { "\x1b[31;1m" }
static brightWhite { "\x1b[37;1m" }
/// Utilities for working with characters.
class Chars {
static ctrlA { 0x01 }
static ctrlB { 0x02 }
static ctrlC { 0x03 }
static ctrlD { 0x04 }
static ctrlE { 0x05 }
static ctrlF { 0x06 }
static tab { 0x09 }
static lineFeed { 0x0a }
static ctrlK { 0x0b }
static ctrlL { 0x0c }
static carriageReturn { 0x0d }
static ctrlN { 0x0e }
static ctrlP { 0x10 }
static ctrlU { 0x15 }
static ctrlW { 0x17 }
static escape { 0x1b }
static space { 0x20 }
static bang { 0x21 }
static quote { 0x22 }
static percent { 0x25 }
static amp { 0x26 }
static leftParen { 0x28 }
static rightParen { 0x29 }
static star { 0x2a }
static plus { 0x2b }
static comma { 0x2c }
static minus { 0x2d }
static dot { 0x2e }
static slash { 0x2f }
static zero { 0x30 }
static nine { 0x39 }
static colon { 0x3a }
static less { 0x3c }
static equal { 0x3d }
static greater { 0x3e }
static question { 0x3f }
static upperA { 0x41 }
static upperF { 0x46 }
static upperZ { 0x5a }
static leftBracket { 0x5b }
static backslash { 0x5c }
static rightBracket { 0x5d }
static caret { 0x5e }
static underscore { 0x5f }
static lowerA { 0x61 }
static lowerF { 0x66 }
static lowerX { 0x78 }
static lowerZ { 0x7a }
static leftBrace { 0x7b }
static pipe { 0x7c }
static rightBrace { 0x7d }
static tilde { 0x7e }
static delete { 0x7f }
static isAlpha(c) {
return c >= lowerA && c <= lowerZ ||
c >= upperA && c <= upperZ ||
c == underscore
static isDigit(c) { c >= zero && c <= nine }
static isAlphaNumeric(c) { isAlpha(c) || isDigit(c) }
static isHexDigit(c) {
return c >= zero && c <= nine ||
c >= lowerA && c <= lowerF ||
c >= upperA && c <= upperF
static isLowerAlpha(c) { c >= lowerA && c <= lowerZ }
static isWhitespace(c) { c == space || c == tab || c == carriageReturn }
class EscapeBracket {
static delete { 0x33 }
static up { 0x41 }
static down { 0x42 }
static right { 0x43 }
static left { 0x44 }
static end { 0x46 }
static home { 0x48 }
class Token {
// Punctuators.
static leftParen { "leftParen" }
static rightParen { "rightParen" }
static leftBracket { "leftBracket" }
static rightBracket { "rightBracket" }
static leftBrace { "leftBrace" }
static rightBrace { "rightBrace" }
static colon { "colon" }
static dot { "dot" }
static dotDot { "dotDot" }
static dotDotDot { "dotDotDot" }
static comma { "comma" }
static star { "star" }
static slash { "slash" }
static percent { "percent" }
static plus { "plus" }
static minus { "minus" }
static pipe { "pipe" }
static pipePipe { "pipePipe" }
static caret { "caret" }
static amp { "amp" }
static ampAmp { "ampAmp" }
static question { "question" }
static bang { "bang" }
static tilde { "tilde" }
static equal { "equal" }
static less { "less" }
static lessEqual { "lessEqual" }
static lessLess { "lessLess" }
static greater { "greater" }
static greaterEqual { "greaterEqual" }
static greaterGreater { "greaterGreater" }
static equalEqual { "equalEqual" }
static bangEqual { "bangEqual" }
// Keywords.
static breakKeyword { "break" }
static classKeyword { "class" }
static constructKeyword { "construct" }
static elseKeyword { "else" }
static falseKeyword { "false" }
static forKeyword { "for" }
static foreignKeyword { "foreign" }
static ifKeyword { "if" }
static importKeyword { "import" }
static inKeyword { "in" }
static isKeyword { "is" }
static nullKeyword { "null" }
static returnKeyword { "return" }
static staticKeyword { "static" }
static superKeyword { "super" }
static thisKeyword { "this" }
static trueKeyword { "true" }
static varKeyword { "var" }
static whileKeyword { "while" }
static field { "field" }
static name { "name" }
static number { "number" }
static string { "string" }
static interpolation { "interpolation" }
static comment { "comment" }
static whitespace { "whitespace" }
static line { "line" }
static error { "error" }
static eof { "eof" }
construct new(source, type, start, length) {
_source = source
_type = type
_start = start
_length = length
type { _type }
text { _source[_start...(_start + _length)] }
start { _start }
length { _length }
toString { text }
var KEYWORDS = {
"break": Token.breakKeyword,
"class": Token.classKeyword,
"construct": Token.constructKeyword,
"else": Token.elseKeyword,
"false": Token.falseKeyword,
"for": Token.forKeyword,
"foreign": Token.foreignKeyword,
"if": Token.ifKeyword,
"import": Token.importKeyword,
"in": Token.inKeyword,
"is": Token.isKeyword,
"null": Token.nullKeyword,
"return": Token.returnKeyword,
"static": Token.staticKeyword,
"super": Token.superKeyword,
"this": Token.thisKeyword,
"true": Token.trueKeyword,
"var": Token.varKeyword,
"while": Token.whileKeyword
Token.leftParen: Color.gray,
Token.rightParen: Color.gray,
Token.leftBracket: Color.gray,
Token.rightBracket: Color.gray,
Token.leftBrace: Color.gray,
Token.rightBrace: Color.gray,
Token.colon: Color.gray, Color.gray,
Token.dotDot: Color.none,
Token.dotDotDot: Color.none,
Token.comma: Color.gray, Color.none,
Token.slash: Color.none,
Token.percent: Color.none, Color.none,
Token.minus: Color.none,
Token.pipe: Color.none,
Token.pipePipe: Color.none,
Token.caret: Color.none,
Token.amp: Color.none,
Token.ampAmp: Color.none,
Token.question: Color.none,
Token.bang: Color.none,
Token.tilde: Color.none,
Token.equal: Color.none,
Token.less: Color.none,
Token.lessEqual: Color.none,
Token.lessLess: Color.none,
Token.greater: Color.none,
Token.greaterEqual: Color.none,
Token.greaterGreater: Color.none,
Token.equalEqual: Color.none,
Token.bangEqual: Color.none,
// Keywords.
Token.breakKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.classKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.constructKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.elseKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.falseKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.forKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.foreignKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.ifKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.importKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.inKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.isKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.nullKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.returnKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.staticKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.superKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.thisKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.trueKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.varKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.whileKeyword: Color.cyan,
Token.field: Color.none, Color.none,
Token.number: Color.magenta,
Token.string: Color.yellow,
Token.interpolation: Color.yellow,
Token.comment: Color.gray,
Token.whitespace: Color.none,
Token.line: Color.none,
Token.eof: Color.none,
// Data table for tokens that are tokenized using maximal munch.
// The key is the character that starts the token or tokens. After that is a
// list of token types and characters. As long as the next character is matched,
// the type will update to the type after that character.
Chars.leftParen: [Token.leftParen],
Chars.rightParen: [Token.rightParen],
Chars.leftBracket: [Token.leftBracket],
Chars.rightBracket: [Token.rightBracket],
Chars.leftBrace: [Token.leftBrace],
Chars.rightBrace: [Token.rightBrace],
Chars.colon: [Token.colon],
Chars.comma: [Token.comma], [],
Chars.percent: [Token.percent], [],
Chars.minus: [Token.minus],
Chars.tilde: [Token.tilde],
Chars.caret: [Token.caret],
Chars.question: [Token.question],
Chars.lineFeed: [Token.line],
Chars.pipe: [Token.pipe, Chars.pipe, Token.pipePipe],
Chars.amp: [Token.amp, Chars.amp, Token.ampAmp],
Chars.bang: [Token.bang, Chars.equal, Token.bangEqual],
Chars.equal: [Token.equal, Chars.equal, Token.equalEqual], [,, Token.dotDot,, Token.dotDotDot]
/// Tokenizes a string of input. This lexer differs from most in that it
/// silently ignores errors from incomplete input, like a string literal with
/// no closing quote. That's because this is intended to be run on a line of
/// input while the user is still typing it.
class Lexer {
construct new(source) {
_source = source
// Due to the magic of UTF-8, we can safely treat Wren source as a series
// of bytes, since the only code points that are meaningful to Wren fit in
// ASCII. The only place where non-ASCII code points can occur is inside
// string literals and comments and the lexer safely treats those as opaque
// bytes.
_bytes = source.bytes
_start = 0
_current = 0
// The stack of ongoing interpolated strings. Each element in the list is
// a single level of interpolation nesting. The value of the element is the
// number of unbalanced "(" still remaining to be closed.
_interpolations = []
readToken() {
if (_current >= _bytes.count) return makeToken(Token.eof)
_start = _current
var c = _bytes[_current]
if (!_interpolations.isEmpty) {
if (c == Chars.leftParen) {
_interpolations[-1] = _interpolations[-1] + 1
} else if (c == Chars.rightParen) {
_interpolations[-1] = _interpolations[-1] - 1
// The last ")" in an interpolated expression ends the expression and
// resumes the string.
if (_interpolations[-1] == 0) {
// This is the final ")", so the interpolation expression has ended.
// This ")" now begins the next section of the template string.
return readString()
if (PUNCTUATORS.containsKey(c)) {
var punctuator = PUNCTUATORS[c]
var type = punctuator[0]
var i = 1
while (i < punctuator.count) {
if (!match(punctuator[i])) break
type = punctuator[i + 1]
i = i + 2
return makeToken(type)
// Handle "<", "<<", and "<=".
if (c == Chars.less) {
if (match(Chars.less)) return makeToken(Token.lessLess)
if (match(Chars.equal)) return makeToken(Token.lessEqual)
return makeToken(Token.less)
// Handle ">", ">>", and ">=".
if (c == Chars.greater) {
if (match(Chars.greater)) return makeToken(Token.greaterGreater)
if (match(Chars.equal)) return makeToken(Token.greaterEqual)
return makeToken(Token.greater)
// Handle "/", "//", and "/*".
if (c == Chars.slash) {
if (match(Chars.slash)) return readLineComment()
if (match( return readBlockComment()
return makeToken(Token.slash)
if (c == Chars.underscore) return readField()
if (c == Chars.quote) return readString()
if (c == && peek() == Chars.lowerX) return readHexNumber()
if (Chars.isWhitespace(c)) return readWhitespace()
if (Chars.isDigit(c)) return readNumber()
if (Chars.isAlpha(c)) return readName()
return makeToken(Token.error)
// Reads a line comment until the end of the line is reached.
readLineComment() {
// A line comment stops at the newline since newlines are significant.
while (peek() != Chars.lineFeed && !isAtEnd) {
return makeToken(Token.comment)
readBlockComment() {
// Block comments can nest.
var nesting = 1
while (nesting > 0) {
// TODO: Report error.
if (isAtEnd) break
if (peek() == Chars.slash && peek(1) == {
nesting = nesting + 1
} else if (peek() == && peek(1) == Chars.slash) {
nesting = nesting - 1
if (nesting == 0) break
} else {
return makeToken(Token.comment)
// Reads a static or instance field.
readField() {
var type = Token.field
// Read the rest of the name.
while (match {|c| Chars.isAlphaNumeric(c) }) {}
return makeToken(type)
// Reads a string literal.
readString() {
var type = Token.string
while (!isAtEnd) {
var c = _bytes[_current]
if (c == Chars.backslash) {
// TODO: Process specific escapes and validate them.
if (!isAtEnd) advance()
} else if (c == Chars.percent) {
// Consume the '('.
if (!isAtEnd) advance()
// TODO: Handle missing '('.
type = Token.interpolation
} else if (c == Chars.quote) {
return makeToken(type)
// Reads a number literal.
readHexNumber() {
// Skip past the `x`.
// Read the rest of the number.
while (match {|c| Chars.isHexDigit(c) }) {}
return makeToken(Token.number)
// Reads a series of whitespace characters.
readWhitespace() {
// Read the rest of the whitespace.
while (match {|c| Chars.isWhitespace(c) }) {}
return makeToken(Token.whitespace)
// Reads a number literal.
readNumber() {
// Read the rest of the number.
while (match {|c| Chars.isDigit(c) }) {}
// TODO: Floating point, scientific.
return makeToken(Token.number)
// Reads an identifier or keyword token.
readName() {
// Read the rest of the name.
while (match {|c| Chars.isAlphaNumeric(c) }) {}
var text = _source[_start..._current]
var type =
if (KEYWORDS.containsKey(text)) {
type = KEYWORDS[text]
return, type, _start, _current - _start)
// Returns `true` if we have scanned all characters.
isAtEnd { _current >= _bytes.count }
// Advances past the current character.
advance() {
_current = _current + 1
// Returns the byte value of the current character.
peek() { peek(0) }
// Returns the byte value of the character [n] bytes past the current
// character.
peek(n) {
if (_current + n >= _bytes.count) return -1
return _bytes[_current + n]
// Consumes the current character if it matches [condition], which can be a
// numeric code point value or a function that takes a code point and returns
// `true` if the code point matches.
match(condition) {
if (isAtEnd) return false
var c = _bytes[_current]
if (condition is Fn) {
if (! return false
} else if (c != condition) {
return false
return true
// Creates a token of [type] from the current character range.
makeToken(type) {, type, _start, _current - _start) }
// Fire up the REPL. We use ANSI when talking to a POSIX TTY.
if (Platform.isPosix && Stdin.isTerminal) {
} else {
// ANSI escape sequences probably aren't supported, so degrade.