
1316 lines
36 KiB

#include <math.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "wren.h"
#include "wren_value.h"
#include "wren_vm.h"
#include "wren_debug.h"
// TODO: Tune these.
// The initial (and minimum) capacity of a non-empty list or map object.
#define MIN_CAPACITY 16
// The rate at which a collection's capacity grows when the size exceeds the
// current capacity. The new capacity will be determined by *multiplying* the
// old capacity by this. Growing geometrically is necessary to ensure that
// adding to a collection has O(1) amortized complexity.
#define GROW_FACTOR 2
// The maximum percentage of map entries that can be filled before the map is
// grown. A lower load takes more memory but reduces collisions which makes
// lookup faster.
// The number of call frames initially allocated when a fiber is created. Making
// this smaller makes fibers use less memory (at first) but spends more time
// reallocating when the call stack grows.
DEFINE_BUFFER(Value, Value);
DEFINE_BUFFER(Method, Method);
static void initObj(WrenVM* vm, Obj* obj, ObjType type, ObjClass* classObj)
obj->type = type;
obj->isDark = false;
obj->classObj = classObj;
obj->next = vm->first;
vm->first = obj;
ObjClass* wrenNewSingleClass(WrenVM* vm, int numFields, ObjString* name)
ObjClass* classObj = ALLOCATE(vm, ObjClass);
initObj(vm, &classObj->obj, OBJ_CLASS, NULL);
classObj->superclass = NULL;
classObj->numFields = numFields;
classObj->name = name;
wrenPushRoot(vm, (Obj*)classObj);
return classObj;
void wrenBindSuperclass(WrenVM* vm, ObjClass* subclass, ObjClass* superclass)
ASSERT(superclass != NULL, "Must have superclass.");
subclass->superclass = superclass;
// Include the superclass in the total number of fields.
if (subclass->numFields != -1)
subclass->numFields += superclass->numFields;
ASSERT(superclass->numFields == 0,
"A foreign class cannot inherit from a class with fields.");
// Inherit methods from its superclass.
for (int i = 0; i < superclass->methods.count; i++)
wrenBindMethod(vm, subclass, i, superclass->[i]);
ObjClass* wrenNewClass(WrenVM* vm, ObjClass* superclass, int numFields,
ObjString* name)
// Create the metaclass.
Value metaclassName = wrenStringFormat(vm, "@ metaclass", OBJ_VAL(name));
wrenPushRoot(vm, AS_OBJ(metaclassName));
ObjClass* metaclass = wrenNewSingleClass(vm, 0, AS_STRING(metaclassName));
metaclass->obj.classObj = vm->classClass;
// Make sure the metaclass isn't collected when we allocate the class.
wrenPushRoot(vm, (Obj*)metaclass);
// Metaclasses always inherit Class and do not parallel the non-metaclass
// hierarchy.
wrenBindSuperclass(vm, metaclass, vm->classClass);
ObjClass* classObj = wrenNewSingleClass(vm, numFields, name);
// Make sure the class isn't collected while the inherited methods are being
// bound.
wrenPushRoot(vm, (Obj*)classObj);
classObj->obj.classObj = metaclass;
wrenBindSuperclass(vm, classObj, superclass);
return classObj;
void wrenBindMethod(WrenVM* vm, ObjClass* classObj, int symbol, Method method)
// Make sure the buffer is big enough to contain the symbol's index.
if (symbol >= classObj->methods.count)
Method noMethod;
noMethod.type = METHOD_NONE;
wrenMethodBufferFill(vm, &classObj->methods, noMethod,
symbol - classObj->methods.count + 1);
classObj->[symbol] = method;
ObjClosure* wrenNewClosure(WrenVM* vm, ObjFn* fn)
ObjClosure* closure = ALLOCATE_FLEX(vm, ObjClosure,
ObjUpvalue*, fn->numUpvalues);
initObj(vm, &closure->obj, OBJ_CLOSURE, vm->fnClass);
closure->fn = fn;
// Clear the upvalue array. We need to do this in case a GC is triggered
// after the closure is created but before the upvalue array is populated.
for (int i = 0; i < fn->numUpvalues; i++) closure->upvalues[i] = NULL;
return closure;
ObjFiber* wrenNewFiber(WrenVM* vm, ObjClosure* closure)
// Allocate the arrays before the fiber in case it triggers a GC.
CallFrame* frames = ALLOCATE_ARRAY(vm, CallFrame, INITIAL_CALL_FRAMES);
// Add one slot for the unused implicit receiver slot that the compiler
// assumes all functions have.
int stackCapacity = closure == NULL
? 1
: wrenPowerOf2Ceil(closure->fn->maxSlots + 1);
Value* stack = ALLOCATE_ARRAY(vm, Value, stackCapacity);
ObjFiber* fiber = ALLOCATE(vm, ObjFiber);
initObj(vm, &fiber->obj, OBJ_FIBER, vm->fiberClass);
fiber->stack = stack;
fiber->stackTop = fiber->stack;
fiber->stackCapacity = stackCapacity;
fiber->frames = frames;
fiber->frameCapacity = INITIAL_CALL_FRAMES;
fiber->numFrames = 0;
fiber->openUpvalues = NULL;
fiber->caller = NULL;
fiber->error = NULL_VAL;
fiber->state = FIBER_OTHER;
if (closure != NULL)
// Initialize the first call frame.
wrenAppendCallFrame(vm, fiber, closure, fiber->stack);
// The first slot always holds the closure.
fiber->stackTop[0] = OBJ_VAL(closure);
return fiber;
void wrenEnsureStack(WrenVM* vm, ObjFiber* fiber, int needed)
if (fiber->stackCapacity >= needed) return;
int capacity = wrenPowerOf2Ceil(needed);
Value* oldStack = fiber->stack;
fiber->stack = (Value*)wrenReallocate(vm, fiber->stack,
sizeof(Value) * fiber->stackCapacity,
sizeof(Value) * capacity);
fiber->stackCapacity = capacity;
// If the reallocation moves the stack, then we need to recalculate every
// pointer that points into the old stack to into the same relative distance
// in the new stack. We have to be a little careful about how these are
// calculated because pointer subtraction is only well-defined within a
// single array, hence the slightly redundant-looking arithmetic below.
if (fiber->stack != oldStack)
// Top of the stack.
if (vm->apiStack >= oldStack && vm->apiStack <= fiber->stackTop)
vm->apiStack = fiber->stack + (vm->apiStack - oldStack);
// Stack pointer for each call frame.
for (int i = 0; i < fiber->numFrames; i++)
CallFrame* frame = &fiber->frames[i];
frame->stackStart = fiber->stack + (frame->stackStart - oldStack);
// Open upvalues.
for (ObjUpvalue* upvalue = fiber->openUpvalues;
upvalue != NULL;
upvalue = upvalue->next)
upvalue->value = fiber->stack + (upvalue->value - oldStack);
fiber->stackTop = fiber->stack + (fiber->stackTop - oldStack);
ObjForeign* wrenNewForeign(WrenVM* vm, ObjClass* classObj, size_t size)
ObjForeign* object = ALLOCATE_FLEX(vm, ObjForeign, uint8_t, size);
initObj(vm, &object->obj, OBJ_FOREIGN, classObj);
// Zero out the bytes.
memset(object->data, 0, size);
return object;
ObjFn* wrenNewFunction(WrenVM* vm, ObjModule* module, int maxSlots)
FnDebug* debug = ALLOCATE(vm, FnDebug);
debug->name = NULL;
ObjFn* fn = ALLOCATE(vm, ObjFn);
initObj(vm, &fn->obj, OBJ_FN, vm->fnClass);
fn->module = module;
fn->maxSlots = maxSlots;
fn->numUpvalues = 0;
fn->arity = 0;
fn->debug = debug;
return fn;
void wrenFunctionBindName(WrenVM* vm, ObjFn* fn, const char* name, int length)
fn->debug->name = ALLOCATE_ARRAY(vm, char, length + 1);
memcpy(fn->debug->name, name, length);
fn->debug->name[length] = '\0';
Value wrenNewInstance(WrenVM* vm, ObjClass* classObj)
ObjInstance* instance = ALLOCATE_FLEX(vm, ObjInstance,
Value, classObj->numFields);
initObj(vm, &instance->obj, OBJ_INSTANCE, classObj);
// Initialize fields to null.
for (int i = 0; i < classObj->numFields; i++)
instance->fields[i] = NULL_VAL;
return OBJ_VAL(instance);
ObjList* wrenNewList(WrenVM* vm, uint32_t numElements)
// Allocate this before the list object in case it triggers a GC which would
// free the list.
Value* elements = NULL;
if (numElements > 0)
elements = ALLOCATE_ARRAY(vm, Value, numElements);
ObjList* list = ALLOCATE(vm, ObjList);
initObj(vm, &list->obj, OBJ_LIST, vm->listClass);
list->elements.capacity = numElements;
list->elements.count = numElements;
list-> = elements;
return list;
void wrenListInsert(WrenVM* vm, ObjList* list, Value value, uint32_t index)
if (IS_OBJ(value)) wrenPushRoot(vm, AS_OBJ(value));
// Add a slot at the end of the list.
wrenValueBufferWrite(vm, &list->elements, NULL_VAL);
if (IS_OBJ(value)) wrenPopRoot(vm);
// Shift the existing elements down.
for (uint32_t i = list->elements.count - 1; i > index; i--)
list->[i] = list->[i - 1];
// Store the new element.
list->[index] = value;
Value wrenListRemoveAt(WrenVM* vm, ObjList* list, uint32_t index)
Value removed = list->[index];
if (IS_OBJ(removed)) wrenPushRoot(vm, AS_OBJ(removed));
// Shift items up.
for (int i = index; i < list->elements.count - 1; i++)
list->[i] = list->[i + 1];
// If we have too much excess capacity, shrink it.
if (list->elements.capacity / GROW_FACTOR >= list->elements.count)
list-> = (Value*)wrenReallocate(vm, list->,
sizeof(Value) * list->elements.capacity,
sizeof(Value) * (list->elements.capacity / GROW_FACTOR));
list->elements.capacity /= GROW_FACTOR;
if (IS_OBJ(removed)) wrenPopRoot(vm);
return removed;
ObjMap* wrenNewMap(WrenVM* vm)
ObjMap* map = ALLOCATE(vm, ObjMap);
initObj(vm, &map->obj, OBJ_MAP, vm->mapClass);
map->capacity = 0;
map->count = 0;
map->entries = NULL;
return map;
static inline uint32_t hashBits(uint64_t hash)
// From v8's ComputeLongHash() which in turn cites:
// Thomas Wang, Integer Hash Functions.
hash = ~hash + (hash << 18); // hash = (hash << 18) - hash - 1;
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 31);
hash = hash * 21; // hash = (hash + (hash << 2)) + (hash << 4);
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
hash = hash + (hash << 6);
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 22);
return (uint32_t)(hash & 0x3fffffff);
// Generates a hash code for [num].
static inline uint32_t hashNumber(double num)
// Hash the raw bits of the value.
DoubleBits bits;
bits.num = num;
return hashBits(bits.bits64);
// Generates a hash code for [object].
static uint32_t hashObject(Obj* object)
switch (object->type)
// Classes just use their name.
return hashObject((Obj*)((ObjClass*)object)->name);
// Allow bare (non-closure) functions so that we can use a map to find
// existing constants in a function's constant table. This is only used
// internally. Since user code never sees a non-closure function, they
// cannot use them as map keys.
case OBJ_FN:
ObjFn* fn = (ObjFn*)object;
return hashNumber(fn->arity) ^ hashNumber(fn->code.count);
ObjRange* range = (ObjRange*)object;
return hashNumber(range->from) ^ hashNumber(range->to);
return ((ObjString*)object)->hash;
ASSERT(false, "Only immutable objects can be hashed.");
return 0;
// Generates a hash code for [value], which must be one of the built-in
// immutable types: null, bool, class, num, range, or string.
static uint32_t hashValue(Value value)
// TODO: We'll probably want to randomize this at some point.
if (IS_OBJ(value)) return hashObject(AS_OBJ(value));
// Hash the raw bits of the unboxed value.
return hashBits(value);
switch (value.type)
case VAL_FALSE: return 0;
case VAL_NULL: return 1;
case VAL_NUM: return hashNumber(AS_NUM(value));
case VAL_TRUE: return 2;
case VAL_OBJ: return hashObject(AS_OBJ(value));
default: UNREACHABLE();
return 0;
// Looks for an entry with [key] in an array of [capacity] [entries].
// If found, sets [result] to point to it and returns `true`. Otherwise,
// returns `false` and points [result] to the entry where the key/value pair
// should be inserted.
static bool findEntry(MapEntry* entries, uint32_t capacity, Value key,
MapEntry** result)
// If there is no entry array (an empty map), we definitely won't find it.
if (capacity == 0) return false;
// Figure out where to insert it in the table. Use open addressing and
// basic linear probing.
uint32_t startIndex = hashValue(key) % capacity;
uint32_t index = startIndex;
// If we pass a tombstone and don't end up finding the key, its entry will
// be re-used for the insert.
MapEntry* tombstone = NULL;
// Walk the probe sequence until we've tried every slot.
MapEntry* entry = &entries[index];
if (IS_UNDEFINED(entry->key))
// If we found an empty slot, the key is not in the table. If we found a
// slot that contains a deleted key, we have to keep looking.
if (IS_FALSE(entry->value))
// We found an empty slot, so we've reached the end of the probe
// sequence without finding the key. If we passed a tombstone, then
// that's where we should insert the item, otherwise, put it here at
// the end of the sequence.
*result = tombstone != NULL ? tombstone : entry;
return false;
// We found a tombstone. We need to keep looking in case the key is
// after it, but we'll use this entry as the insertion point if the
// key ends up not being found.
if (tombstone == NULL) tombstone = entry;
else if (wrenValuesEqual(entry->key, key))
// We found the key.
*result = entry;
return true;
// Try the next slot.
index = (index + 1) % capacity;
while (index != startIndex);
// If we get here, the table is full of tombstones. Return the first one we
// found.
ASSERT(tombstone != NULL, "Map should have tombstones or empty entries.");
*result = tombstone;
return false;
// Inserts [key] and [value] in the array of [entries] with the given
// [capacity].
// Returns `true` if this is the first time [key] was added to the map.
static bool insertEntry(MapEntry* entries, uint32_t capacity,
Value key, Value value)
ASSERT(entries != NULL, "Should ensure capacity before inserting.");
MapEntry* entry;
if (findEntry(entries, capacity, key, &entry))
// Already present, so just replace the value.
entry->value = value;
return false;
entry->key = key;
entry->value = value;
return true;
// Updates [map]'s entry array to [capacity].
static void resizeMap(WrenVM* vm, ObjMap* map, uint32_t capacity)
// Create the new empty hash table.
MapEntry* entries = ALLOCATE_ARRAY(vm, MapEntry, capacity);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
entries[i].key = UNDEFINED_VAL;
entries[i].value = FALSE_VAL;
// Re-add the existing entries.
if (map->capacity > 0)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < map->capacity; i++)
MapEntry* entry = &map->entries[i];
// Don't copy empty entries or tombstones.
if (IS_UNDEFINED(entry->key)) continue;
insertEntry(entries, capacity, entry->key, entry->value);
// Replace the array.
DEALLOCATE(vm, map->entries);
map->entries = entries;
map->capacity = capacity;
Value wrenMapGet(ObjMap* map, Value key)
MapEntry* entry;
if (findEntry(map->entries, map->capacity, key, &entry)) return entry->value;
void wrenMapSet(WrenVM* vm, ObjMap* map, Value key, Value value)
// If the map is getting too full, make room first.
if (map->count + 1 > map->capacity * MAP_LOAD_PERCENT / 100)
// Figure out the new hash table size.
uint32_t capacity = map->capacity * GROW_FACTOR;
if (capacity < MIN_CAPACITY) capacity = MIN_CAPACITY;
resizeMap(vm, map, capacity);
if (insertEntry(map->entries, map->capacity, key, value))
// A new key was added.
void wrenMapClear(WrenVM* vm, ObjMap* map)
DEALLOCATE(vm, map->entries);
map->entries = NULL;
map->capacity = 0;
map->count = 0;
Value wrenMapRemoveKey(WrenVM* vm, ObjMap* map, Value key)
MapEntry* entry;
if (!findEntry(map->entries, map->capacity, key, &entry)) return NULL_VAL;
// Remove the entry from the map. Set this value to true, which marks it as a
// deleted slot. When searching for a key, we will stop on empty slots, but
// continue past deleted slots.
Value value = entry->value;
entry->key = UNDEFINED_VAL;
entry->value = TRUE_VAL;
if (IS_OBJ(value)) wrenPushRoot(vm, AS_OBJ(value));
if (map->count == 0)
// Removed the last item, so free the array.
wrenMapClear(vm, map);
else if (map->capacity > MIN_CAPACITY &&
map->count < map->capacity / GROW_FACTOR * MAP_LOAD_PERCENT / 100)
uint32_t capacity = map->capacity / GROW_FACTOR;
if (capacity < MIN_CAPACITY) capacity = MIN_CAPACITY;
// The map is getting empty, so shrink the entry array back down.
// TODO: Should we do this less aggressively than we grow?
resizeMap(vm, map, capacity);
if (IS_OBJ(value)) wrenPopRoot(vm);
return value;
ObjModule* wrenNewModule(WrenVM* vm, ObjString* name)
ObjModule* module = ALLOCATE(vm, ObjModule);
// Modules are never used as first-class objects, so don't need a class.
initObj(vm, (Obj*)module, OBJ_MODULE, NULL);
wrenPushRoot(vm, (Obj*)module);
module->name = name;
return module;
Value wrenNewRange(WrenVM* vm, double from, double to, bool isInclusive)
ObjRange* range = ALLOCATE(vm, ObjRange);
initObj(vm, &range->obj, OBJ_RANGE, vm->rangeClass);
range->from = from;
range->to = to;
range->isInclusive = isInclusive;
return OBJ_VAL(range);
// Creates a new string object with a null-terminated buffer large enough to
// hold a string of [length] but does not fill in the bytes.
// The caller is expected to fill in the buffer and then calculate the string's
// hash.
static ObjString* allocateString(WrenVM* vm, size_t length)
ObjString* string = ALLOCATE_FLEX(vm, ObjString, char, length + 1);
initObj(vm, &string->obj, OBJ_STRING, vm->stringClass);
string->length = (int)length;
string->value[length] = '\0';
return string;
// Calculates and stores the hash code for [string].
static void hashString(ObjString* string)
// FNV-1a hash. See:
uint32_t hash = 2166136261u;
// This is O(n) on the length of the string, but we only call this when a new
// string is created. Since the creation is also O(n) (to copy/initialize all
// the bytes), we allow this here.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < string->length; i++)
hash ^= string->value[i];
hash *= 16777619;
string->hash = hash;
Value wrenNewString(WrenVM* vm, const char* text)
return wrenNewStringLength(vm, text, strlen(text));
Value wrenNewStringLength(WrenVM* vm, const char* text, size_t length)
// Allow NULL if the string is empty since byte buffers don't allocate any
// characters for a zero-length string.
ASSERT(length == 0 || text != NULL, "Unexpected NULL string.");
ObjString* string = allocateString(vm, length);
// Copy the string (if given one).
if (length > 0 && text != NULL) memcpy(string->value, text, length);
return OBJ_VAL(string);
Value wrenNewStringFromRange(WrenVM* vm, ObjString* source, int start,
uint32_t count, int step)
uint8_t* from = (uint8_t*)source->value;
int length = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
length += wrenUtf8DecodeNumBytes(from[start + i * step]);
ObjString* result = allocateString(vm, length);
result->value[length] = '\0';
uint8_t* to = (uint8_t*)result->value;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
int index = start + i * step;
int codePoint = wrenUtf8Decode(from + index, source->length - index);
if (codePoint != -1)
to += wrenUtf8Encode(codePoint, to);
return OBJ_VAL(result);
Value wrenNumToString(WrenVM* vm, double value)
// Edge case: If the value is NaN or infinity, different versions of libc
// produce different outputs (some will format it signed and some won't). To
// get reliable output, handle it ourselves.
if (isnan(value)) return CONST_STRING(vm, "nan");
if (isinf(value))
if (value > 0.0)
return CONST_STRING(vm, "infinity");
return CONST_STRING(vm, "-infinity");
// This is large enough to hold any double converted to a string using
// "%.14g". Example:
// -1.12345678901234e-1022
// So we have:
// + 1 char for sign
// + 1 char for digit
// + 1 char for "."
// + 14 chars for decimal digits
// + 1 char for "e"
// + 1 char for "-" or "+"
// + 4 chars for exponent
// + 1 char for "\0"
// = 24
char buffer[24];
int length = sprintf(buffer, "%.14g", value);
return wrenNewStringLength(vm, buffer, length);
Value wrenStringFromCodePoint(WrenVM* vm, int value)
int length = wrenUtf8EncodeNumBytes(value);
ASSERT(length != 0, "Value out of range.");
ObjString* string = allocateString(vm, length);
wrenUtf8Encode(value, (uint8_t*)string->value);
return OBJ_VAL(string);
Value wrenStringFromByte(WrenVM *vm, uint8_t value)
int length = 1;
ObjString* string = allocateString(vm, length);
string->value[0] = value;
return OBJ_VAL(string);
Value wrenStringFormat(WrenVM* vm, const char* format, ...)
va_list argList;
// Calculate the length of the result string. Do this up front so we can
// create the final string with a single allocation.
va_start(argList, format);
size_t totalLength = 0;
for (const char* c = format; *c != '\0'; c++)
switch (*c)
case '$':
totalLength += strlen(va_arg(argList, const char*));
case '@':
totalLength += AS_STRING(va_arg(argList, Value))->length;
// Any other character is interpreted literally.
// Concatenate the string.
ObjString* result = allocateString(vm, totalLength);
va_start(argList, format);
char* start = result->value;
for (const char* c = format; *c != '\0'; c++)
switch (*c)
case '$':
const char* string = va_arg(argList, const char*);
size_t length = strlen(string);
memcpy(start, string, length);
start += length;
case '@':
ObjString* string = AS_STRING(va_arg(argList, Value));
memcpy(start, string->value, string->length);
start += string->length;
// Any other character is interpreted literally.
*start++ = *c;
return OBJ_VAL(result);
Value wrenStringCodePointAt(WrenVM* vm, ObjString* string, uint32_t index)
ASSERT(index < string->length, "Index out of bounds.");
int codePoint = wrenUtf8Decode((uint8_t*)string->value + index,
string->length - index);
if (codePoint == -1)
// If it isn't a valid UTF-8 sequence, treat it as a single raw byte.
char bytes[2];
bytes[0] = string->value[index];
bytes[1] = '\0';
return wrenNewStringLength(vm, bytes, 1);
return wrenStringFromCodePoint(vm, codePoint);
// Uses the Boyer-Moore-Horspool string matching algorithm.
uint32_t wrenStringFind(ObjString* haystack, ObjString* needle, uint32_t start)
// Edge case: An empty needle is always found.
if (needle->length == 0) return start;
// If the needle goes past the haystack it won't be found.
if (start + needle->length > haystack->length) return UINT32_MAX;
// If the startIndex is too far it also won't be found.
if (start >= haystack->length) return UINT32_MAX;
// Pre-calculate the shift table. For each character (8-bit value), we
// determine how far the search window can be advanced if that character is
// the last character in the haystack where we are searching for the needle
// and the needle doesn't match there.
uint32_t shift[UINT8_MAX];
uint32_t needleEnd = needle->length - 1;
// By default, we assume the character is not the needle at all. In that case
// case, if a match fails on that character, we can advance one whole needle
// width since.
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < UINT8_MAX; index++)
shift[index] = needle->length;
// Then, for every character in the needle, determine how far it is from the
// end. If a match fails on that character, we can advance the window such
// that it the last character in it lines up with the last place we could
// find it in the needle.
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < needleEnd; index++)
char c = needle->value[index];
shift[(uint8_t)c] = needleEnd - index;
// Slide the needle across the haystack, looking for the first match or
// stopping if the needle goes off the end.
char lastChar = needle->value[needleEnd];
uint32_t range = haystack->length - needle->length;
for (uint32_t index = start; index <= range; )
// Compare the last character in the haystack's window to the last character
// in the needle. If it matches, see if the whole needle matches.
char c = haystack->value[index + needleEnd];
if (lastChar == c &&
memcmp(haystack->value + index, needle->value, needleEnd) == 0)
// Found a match.
return index;
// Otherwise, slide the needle forward.
index += shift[(uint8_t)c];
// Not found.
return UINT32_MAX;
ObjUpvalue* wrenNewUpvalue(WrenVM* vm, Value* value)
ObjUpvalue* upvalue = ALLOCATE(vm, ObjUpvalue);
// Upvalues are never used as first-class objects, so don't need a class.
initObj(vm, &upvalue->obj, OBJ_UPVALUE, NULL);
upvalue->value = value;
upvalue->closed = NULL_VAL;
upvalue->next = NULL;
return upvalue;
void wrenGrayObj(WrenVM* vm, Obj* obj)
if (obj == NULL) return;
// Stop if the object is already darkened so we don't get stuck in a cycle.
if (obj->isDark) return;
// It's been reached.
obj->isDark = true;
// Add it to the gray list so it can be recursively explored for
// more marks later.
if (vm->grayCount >= vm->grayCapacity)
vm->grayCapacity = vm->grayCount * 2;
vm->gray = (Obj**)vm->config.reallocateFn(vm->gray,
vm->grayCapacity * sizeof(Obj*));
vm->gray[vm->grayCount++] = obj;
void wrenGrayValue(WrenVM* vm, Value value)
if (!IS_OBJ(value)) return;
wrenGrayObj(vm, AS_OBJ(value));
void wrenGrayBuffer(WrenVM* vm, ValueBuffer* buffer)
for (int i = 0; i < buffer->count; i++)
wrenGrayValue(vm, buffer->data[i]);
static void blackenClass(WrenVM* vm, ObjClass* classObj)
// The metaclass.
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)classObj->obj.classObj);
// The superclass.
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)classObj->superclass);
// Method function objects.
for (int i = 0; i < classObj->methods.count; i++)
if (classObj->[i].type == METHOD_BLOCK)
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)classObj->[i].as.closure);
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)classObj->name);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjClass);
vm->bytesAllocated += classObj->methods.capacity * sizeof(Method);
static void blackenClosure(WrenVM* vm, ObjClosure* closure)
// Mark the function.
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)closure->fn);
// Mark the upvalues.
for (int i = 0; i < closure->fn->numUpvalues; i++)
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)closure->upvalues[i]);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjClosure);
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjUpvalue*) * closure->fn->numUpvalues;
static void blackenFiber(WrenVM* vm, ObjFiber* fiber)
// Stack functions.
for (int i = 0; i < fiber->numFrames; i++)
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)fiber->frames[i].closure);
// Stack variables.
for (Value* slot = fiber->stack; slot < fiber->stackTop; slot++)
wrenGrayValue(vm, *slot);
// Open upvalues.
ObjUpvalue* upvalue = fiber->openUpvalues;
while (upvalue != NULL)
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)upvalue);
upvalue = upvalue->next;
// The caller.
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)fiber->caller);
wrenGrayValue(vm, fiber->error);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjFiber);
vm->bytesAllocated += fiber->frameCapacity * sizeof(CallFrame);
vm->bytesAllocated += fiber->stackCapacity * sizeof(Value);
static void blackenFn(WrenVM* vm, ObjFn* fn)
// Mark the constants.
wrenGrayBuffer(vm, &fn->constants);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjFn);
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(uint8_t) * fn->code.capacity;
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(Value) * fn->constants.capacity;
// The debug line number buffer.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(int) * fn->code.capacity;
// TODO: What about the function name?
static void blackenForeign(WrenVM* vm, ObjForeign* foreign)
// TODO: Keep track of how much memory the foreign object uses. We can store
// this in each foreign object, but it will balloon the size. We may not want
// that much overhead. One option would be to let the foreign class register
// a C function that returns a size for the object. That way the VM doesn't
// always have to explicitly store it.
static void blackenInstance(WrenVM* vm, ObjInstance* instance)
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)instance->obj.classObj);
// Mark the fields.
for (int i = 0; i < instance->obj.classObj->numFields; i++)
wrenGrayValue(vm, instance->fields[i]);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjInstance);
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(Value) * instance->obj.classObj->numFields;
static void blackenList(WrenVM* vm, ObjList* list)
// Mark the elements.
wrenGrayBuffer(vm, &list->elements);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjList);
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(Value) * list->elements.capacity;
static void blackenMap(WrenVM* vm, ObjMap* map)
// Mark the entries.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < map->capacity; i++)
MapEntry* entry = &map->entries[i];
if (IS_UNDEFINED(entry->key)) continue;
wrenGrayValue(vm, entry->key);
wrenGrayValue(vm, entry->value);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjMap);
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(MapEntry) * map->capacity;
static void blackenModule(WrenVM* vm, ObjModule* module)
// Top-level variables.
for (int i = 0; i < module->variables.count; i++)
wrenGrayValue(vm, module->[i]);
wrenBlackenSymbolTable(vm, &module->variableNames);
wrenGrayObj(vm, (Obj*)module->name);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjModule);
static void blackenRange(WrenVM* vm, ObjRange* range)
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjRange);
static void blackenString(WrenVM* vm, ObjString* string)
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjString) + string->length + 1;
static void blackenUpvalue(WrenVM* vm, ObjUpvalue* upvalue)
// Mark the closed-over object (in case it is closed).
wrenGrayValue(vm, upvalue->closed);
// Keep track of how much memory is still in use.
vm->bytesAllocated += sizeof(ObjUpvalue);
static void blackenObject(WrenVM* vm, Obj* obj)
printf("mark ");
printf(" @ %p\n", obj);
// Traverse the object's fields.
switch (obj->type)
case OBJ_CLASS: blackenClass( vm, (ObjClass*) obj); break;
case OBJ_CLOSURE: blackenClosure( vm, (ObjClosure*) obj); break;
case OBJ_FIBER: blackenFiber( vm, (ObjFiber*) obj); break;
case OBJ_FN: blackenFn( vm, (ObjFn*) obj); break;
case OBJ_FOREIGN: blackenForeign( vm, (ObjForeign*) obj); break;
case OBJ_INSTANCE: blackenInstance(vm, (ObjInstance*)obj); break;
case OBJ_LIST: blackenList( vm, (ObjList*) obj); break;
case OBJ_MAP: blackenMap( vm, (ObjMap*) obj); break;
case OBJ_MODULE: blackenModule( vm, (ObjModule*) obj); break;
case OBJ_RANGE: blackenRange( vm, (ObjRange*) obj); break;
case OBJ_STRING: blackenString( vm, (ObjString*) obj); break;
case OBJ_UPVALUE: blackenUpvalue( vm, (ObjUpvalue*) obj); break;
void wrenBlackenObjects(WrenVM* vm)
while (vm->grayCount > 0)
// Pop an item from the gray stack.
Obj* obj = vm->gray[--vm->grayCount];
blackenObject(vm, obj);
void wrenFreeObj(WrenVM* vm, Obj* obj)
printf("free ");
printf(" @ %p\n", obj);
switch (obj->type)
wrenMethodBufferClear(vm, &((ObjClass*)obj)->methods);
ObjFiber* fiber = (ObjFiber*)obj;
DEALLOCATE(vm, fiber->frames);
DEALLOCATE(vm, fiber->stack);
case OBJ_FN:
ObjFn* fn = (ObjFn*)obj;
wrenValueBufferClear(vm, &fn->constants);
wrenByteBufferClear(vm, &fn->code);
wrenIntBufferClear(vm, &fn->debug->sourceLines);
DEALLOCATE(vm, fn->debug->name);
DEALLOCATE(vm, fn->debug);
wrenFinalizeForeign(vm, (ObjForeign*)obj);
case OBJ_LIST:
wrenValueBufferClear(vm, &((ObjList*)obj)->elements);
case OBJ_MAP:
DEALLOCATE(vm, ((ObjMap*)obj)->entries);
wrenSymbolTableClear(vm, &((ObjModule*)obj)->variableNames);
wrenValueBufferClear(vm, &((ObjModule*)obj)->variables);
DEALLOCATE(vm, obj);
ObjClass* wrenGetClass(WrenVM* vm, Value value)
return wrenGetClassInline(vm, value);
bool wrenValuesEqual(Value a, Value b)
if (wrenValuesSame(a, b)) return true;
// If we get here, it's only possible for two heap-allocated immutable objects
// to be equal.
if (!IS_OBJ(a) || !IS_OBJ(b)) return false;
Obj* aObj = AS_OBJ(a);
Obj* bObj = AS_OBJ(b);
// Must be the same type.
if (aObj->type != bObj->type) return false;
switch (aObj->type)
ObjRange* aRange = (ObjRange*)aObj;
ObjRange* bRange = (ObjRange*)bObj;
return aRange->from == bRange->from &&
aRange->to == bRange->to &&
aRange->isInclusive == bRange->isInclusive;
ObjString* aString = (ObjString*)aObj;
ObjString* bString = (ObjString*)bObj;
return aString->hash == bString->hash &&
wrenStringEqualsCString(aString, bString->value, bString->length);
// All other types are only equal if they are same, which they aren't if
// we get here.
return false;