
329 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015, Fabien Freling
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license found in the
* LICENSE file at the top level directory of this source tree.
open Printf
let frequence = 4194304
(** http://bgb.bircd.org/pandocs.htm#cpuregistersandflags
http://gameboy.mongenel.com/dmg/lesson1.html *)
type registers = {
mutable a : char; (* accumulator *)
mutable f : char; (* flags *)
mutable b : char;
mutable c : char;
mutable d : char;
mutable e : char;
mutable h : char;
mutable l : char;
mutable sp : int; (* stack pointer *)
mutable pc : int; (* program counter *)
type flags = {
mutable z : bool; (* zero *)
mutable n : bool; (* substraction *)
mutable h : bool; (* half-carry *)
mutable c : bool; (* carry *)
type t = {
reg : registers;
flag : flags;
mutable cycles : int;
let print_cpu_state cpu =
printf "[Cpu state] Registers:\n";
printf "[Cpu state] \tA: 0x%02X \tF: 0x%02X\n" (int_of_char cpu.reg.a) (int_of_char cpu.reg.f);
printf "[Cpu state] \tB: 0x%02X \tC: 0x%02X\n" (int_of_char cpu.reg.b) (int_of_char cpu.reg.c);
printf "[Cpu state] \tD: 0x%02X \tE: 0x%02X\n" (int_of_char cpu.reg.d) (int_of_char cpu.reg.e);
printf "[Cpu state] \tH: 0x%02X \tL: 0x%02X\n" (int_of_char cpu.reg.h) (int_of_char cpu.reg.l);
printf "[Cpu state] \tPC: 0x%04X\n" cpu.reg.pc;
printf "[Cpu state] \tSP: 0x%04X\n" cpu.reg.sp;
printf "[Cpu state] Flags:\n";
printf "[Cpu state] \t ZNHC\n";
let z = if cpu.flag.z then 1 else 0 in
let n = if cpu.flag.n then 1 else 0 in
let h = if cpu.flag.h then 1 else 0 in
let c = if cpu.flag.c then 1 else 0 in
printf "[Cpu state] \t[%d%d%d%d]\n" z n h c
(** http://bgb.bircd.org/pandocs.htm#powerupsequence *)
let init_registers =
a = '\x00';
f = '\x00';
b = '\x00';
c = '\x00';
d = '\x00';
e = '\x00';
h = '\x00';
l = '\x00';
sp = 0xFFFE;
pc = 0x0100;
let init_flags =
z = false; n = false; h = false; c = false
let init_cpu =
{ reg = init_registers; flag = init_flags; cycles = 0 }
let update_flag_reg cpu =
let z = if cpu.flag.z then 0b10000000 else 0 in
let n = if cpu.flag.n then 0b01000000 else 0 in
let h = if cpu.flag.h then 0b00100000 else 0 in
let c = if cpu.flag.c then 0b00010000 else 0 in
cpu.reg.f <- char_of_int @@ z + n + h + c
let inc_pc cpu count =
cpu.reg.pc <- (cpu.reg.pc + count) mod 0xFFFF
let inc_cycles cpu count =
cpu.cycles <- cpu.cycles + count
let merge_bytes low high =
(int_of_char high) * 256 + (int_of_char low)
let split_2B x =
let low = x mod 256 |> char_of_int in
let high = x / 256 |> char_of_int in
(high, low)
let read_2B m addr =
let low = Memory.get m addr in
let high = Memory.get m (addr + 1) in
merge_bytes low high
let inc_BC cpu =
let v = merge_bytes cpu.reg.c cpu.reg.b in
let low, high = split_2B (v + 1) in
cpu.reg.c <- low;
cpu.reg.b <- high
let cmp_A cpu n =
let diff = int_of_char (cpu.reg.a) - n in
cpu.flag.z <- diff = 0;
cpu.flag.n <- true;
cpu.flag.h <- diff > 0x0F || diff < 0;
cpu.flag.c <- diff > 0xFF || diff < 0;
update_flag_reg cpu
let read_pc_byte cpu mem =
let b = Memory.get mem cpu.reg.pc in
inc_pc cpu 1;
int_of_char b
let read_pc_2bytes cpu mem =
let word = read_2B mem cpu.reg.pc in
inc_pc cpu 2;
let pop_stack cpu mem =
let low = Memory.get mem cpu.reg.sp in
cpu.reg.sp <- (cpu.reg.sp + 1) mod 0xFFFF;
let high = Memory.get mem cpu.reg.sp in
cpu.reg.sp <- (cpu.reg.sp + 1) mod 0xFFFF;
merge_bytes low high
let run cpu (mem: Memory.map) =
print_cpu_state cpu;
let opcode = read_pc_byte cpu mem |> char_of_int in
(* Hexa.print_slice cartridge.full_rom cpu.reg.pc (cpu.reg.pc + 7); *)
let inst, cycles = match opcode with
(* 8-bit load *)
(* LD r,(HL) *)
| '\x7E' -> let inst = sprintf "LD \tA, (HL)" in
let hl = merge_bytes cpu.reg.l cpu.reg.h in
cpu.reg.a <- Memory.get mem hl;
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\x36' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "LD \t(HL) 0x%02X" n in
let hl = merge_bytes cpu.reg.l cpu.reg.h in
Memory.set mem hl (char_of_int n);
inc_cycles cpu 12;
inst, 12
(* CPU control *)
| '\x00' -> let inst = sprintf "NOP" in
inc_cycles cpu 4;
inst, 4
(* jump *)
| '\x20' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let s = Bit.signed_byte n in
let inst = sprintf "JR \tNZ, 0x%02X (%d)" n s in
if cpu.flag.z = false then
inc_pc cpu (s - 2); (* we read 2 bytes from PC, opcode and n *)
inc_cycles cpu 12;
inst, 12
end else begin
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\xC9' -> let inst = sprintf "RET" in
cpu.reg.pc <- pop_stack cpu mem;
inc_cycles cpu 16;
inst, 16
| '\xC0' -> let inst = sprintf "RET \tNZ" in
if cpu.flag.z = false then
cpu.reg.pc <- pop_stack cpu mem;
inc_cycles cpu 20;
inst, 20
end else begin
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\x03' -> let inst = sprintf "INC \tBC" in
inc_BC cpu;
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\x05' -> let inst = sprintf "DEC \tB" in
let dec = int_of_char(cpu.reg.b) - 1 in
cpu.flag.z <- dec = 0;
cpu.flag.n <- true;
cpu.flag.h <- dec < 0;
cpu.reg.b <- char_of_int @@ if dec >= 0 then dec else 0;
inc_cycles cpu 4;
inst, 4
| '\x06' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "LD \tB, 0x%02X" n in
cpu.reg.b <- char_of_int n;
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\x18' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "JP \t0x%02X" n in
inc_pc cpu (n - 1); inc_cycles cpu 12;
inst, 12
| '\x21' -> let nn = read_pc_2bytes cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "LD \tHL, 0x%04X" nn in
let high, low = split_2B nn in
cpu.reg.h <- high;
cpu.reg.l <- low;
inc_cycles cpu 12;
inst, 12
| '\x22' -> let inst = sprintf "LDI \t(HL), A" in
let hl = merge_bytes cpu.reg.l cpu.reg.h in
Memory.set mem hl cpu.reg.a;
let high, low = split_2B (hl + 1) in
cpu.reg.h <- high;
cpu.reg.l <- low;
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\x28' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "JR \tZ, 0x%02X" n in
if cpu.flag.z = true then
inc_pc cpu (n - 1); inc_cycles cpu 12;
inst, 12
end else begin
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\x34' -> let inst = sprintf "INC \t(HL)" in
let hl = merge_bytes cpu.reg.l cpu.reg.h in
let v = Memory.get mem hl |> int_of_char in
cpu.flag.z <- v + 1 = 0;
cpu.flag.n <- false;
cpu.flag.h <- v = 0b00001111;
Memory.set mem hl (char_of_int (v + 1));
inc_cycles cpu 12;
inst, 12
| '\x3E' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "LD \tA, 0x%02X" n in
cpu.reg.a <- char_of_int n;
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\xAF' -> let inst = sprintf "XOR \tA, A" in
let int_A = int_of_char cpu.reg.a in
cpu.reg.a <- char_of_int @@ int_A lxor int_A;
inc_cycles cpu 4;
inst, 4
| '\xC3' -> let addr = read_pc_2bytes cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "JP \t0x%04X" addr in
cpu.reg.pc <- addr; inc_cycles cpu 16;
inst, 16
| '\xE0' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "LDH \t(0xFF%02X), A" n in
Memory.set mem (0xFF00 + n) cpu.reg.a;
inc_cycles cpu 12;
inst, 12
| '\xEA' -> let addr = read_pc_2bytes cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "LD \t(0X%04X), A" addr in
Memory.set mem addr cpu.reg.a;
inc_cycles cpu 16;
inst, 16
| '\xF0' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "LDH \tA, (0xFF%02X)" n in
cpu.reg.a <- Memory.get mem (0xFF00 + n);
inc_cycles cpu 12;
inst, 12
| '\xF3' -> let inst = sprintf "DI" in
(* fixme *)
inc_cycles cpu 4;
inst, 4
| '\xFE' -> let n = read_pc_byte cpu mem in
let inst = sprintf "CP \t0x%02X" n in
cmp_A cpu n;
inc_cycles cpu 8;
inst, 8
| '\xFB' -> let inst = sprintf "EI" in
(* enable interrupts, IME=1 *)
inc_cycles cpu 4;
inst, 4
| x -> eprintf "opcode 0x%02X\n" (int_of_char x);
eprintf "#cycles: %d\n" cpu.cycles;
failwith "Unimplemented opcode."
inst, cycles