
134 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2015, Fabien Freling
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license found in the
* LICENSE file at the top level directory of this source tree.
open Bigarray
open Bytes
open Printf
(** @see http://bgb.bircd.org/pandocs.htm#memorymap
@see http://imrannazar.com/GameBoy-Emulation-in-JavaScript:-Memory *)
(** Common addresses *)
let gDIV = 0xFF04 (* divider register *)
let gTIMA = 0xFF05 (* timer counter *)
let gTMA = 0xFF06 (* timer modulo *)
let gTAC = 0xFF07 (* timer control *)
type map = {
rom_bank_00 : bytes; (* cartridge, 16KB *)
rom_bank_01 : bytes; (* additional bank, 16KB *)
vram : bytes; (* Video RAM, 8KB *)
wram_bank_0 : bytes; (* work RAM, 4KB *)
wram_bank_1 : bytes; (* work RAM, 4KB *)
io : bytes; (* I/O ports *)
hram : bytes; (* High RAM, 8KB *)
interrupt : bytes; (* Interrupt Enable Register *)
type t = {
map : map;
timer_div : Timer.t;
tima : Timer.t;
let init (cartridge: Cartridge.t) =
let map = {
rom_bank_00 = sub cartridge.full_rom 0 0x4000;
rom_bank_01 = create 0x4000;
vram = create 0x2000;
wram_bank_0 = create 0x1000;
wram_bank_1 = create 0x1000;
io = create 0x0080;
hram = create 0x2000;
interrupt = create 1
} in
(* Init register values:
http://bgb.bircd.org/pandocs.htm#powerupsequence *)
let zero = char_of_int 0 in
set map.io 0x05 zero; (* TIMA, 0xFF05 *)
set map.io 0x06 zero; (* TMA, 0xFF06 *)
set map.io 0x07 zero; (* TAC, 0xFF07 *)
let timer_div = Timer.create 16384 true in
let tima = Timer.create_tima 0 in
{ map; timer_div; tima; }
let get_mem_bank mem addr =
match addr with
| x when x < 0x4000 -> mem.rom_bank_00, x
| x when x < 0x8000 -> mem.rom_bank_01, (x - 0x4000)
| x when x < 0xA000 -> mem.vram, (x - 0x8000)
| x when x < 0xC000 -> failwith "Unimplemented memory range."
| x when x < 0xD000 -> mem.wram_bank_0, (x - 0xC000)
| x when x < 0xE000 -> mem.wram_bank_1, (x - 0xD000)
| x when x < 0xFF00 -> failwith "Unimplemented memory range."
| x when x < 0xFF80 -> mem.io, x - 0xFF00
| x when x < 0xFFFF -> mem.hram, x - 0xFF80
| 0xFFFF -> mem.interrupt, 0
| x -> eprintf "Memory access 0x%06X\n" x;
failwith "Invalid memory range."
let get mem addr =
let m, x = get_mem_bank mem addr in
get m x
let set mem addr c =
let m, x = get_mem_bank mem addr in
set m x c
(** Increment byte in memory, wrap value in case of overflow *)
let inc mem addr =
let m, x = get_mem_bank mem addr in
let value = Bytes.get m x |> int_of_char in
let inc_value = value + 1 in
let overflow = inc_value > 0xFF in
let c = inc_value mod 0x01FF |> char_of_int in
Bytes.set m x c;
let update_timers mem cycles =
let should_inc_div = Timer.update mem.timer_div cycles in
if should_inc_div then ignore (inc mem.map gDIV);
let should_inc_tima = Timer.update mem.tima cycles in
if should_inc_tima then begin
let overflow = inc mem.map gTIMA in
if overflow then begin
let tma = get mem.map gTMA in
set mem.map gTIMA tma
(* TODO: INT 50 - Timer interupt *)
(* A tile is 8x8, with each pixel encoded in 2 bits:
* - the whole tile takes 16 bytes
* - each line takes 2 bytes
* - the first byte contains the least significant bit for the row
* - the second byte contains the upper bit
* - 8th bit is the leftmost
* - 1st bit is the rigthmost *)
let background_map mem n =
let bg_map = Array2.create Bigarray.int8_unsigned Bigarray.c_layout 8 8 in
let offset = match n with
| 0 -> 0x1800 (* VRAM starts at 0x8000 *)
| 1 -> 0x1C00
| _ -> failwith "Invalid background map index" in
Array2.fill bg_map 0;
for j = 0 to (Array2.dim2 bg_map) - 1 do
for i = 0 to (Array2.dim1 bg_map) - 1 do
(* bg_map.{i, j} <- (i + j * Array2.dim1 bg_map) mod 4 *)
let mem_addr = i + j * Array2.dim1 bg_map in
let tile_index = Bytes.get mem.map.vram mem_addr |> int_of_char in
bg_map.{i, j} <- tile_index mod 4